"Better Extension for RPM" (BEER) is an alternative implementation of
updating/buildroot creation and dependency resoving tool written in C.
The main aim is to provide an alternative to YUM, which is very slow and
resource wasteful as a native Python application.
The current BEER implementation uses YUM repository configuration files
to download RPM packages from various repositories and resolve
dependencies among the user specified packages to be installed. Since
the BEER is a low-level tool, the location of RPMs as well as desired
chroot could be specified directly on a command-line without any need of
YUM to be installed.
BEER uses per-repository package caching, so reinstallation or updating
of chroot is faster, because the RPM packages are held in local
filesystem cache so that they don't need to be downloaded from web
repository every time they are needed.
BEER uses cURL for package downloading and RPM for transaction checks
and the chroot installation itself. It can be used on any RPM-based
Linux OS, mainly on Fedora Core/Red Hat ones.
To download beer please visit the Sourceforge beer page.